Customs administration
The development and operation of a customs clearance service package that flexibly follows the movements of the goods is a crucial part of global commercial and production logistics solutions.
For transportation and warehousing, the customs experts of NTG Gondrand create the most suitable customs clearance methods for the customer, according to industry specifications and customer requirements. An expert customs administration service regulates the movement of the goods, making them predictable and safe. Procurement, production, sales, inventory stock – our customs administration solution fits into any of the elements of modern global industry and commerce.
Main elements of our customs administration:
- Electronic customs clearance
- EU Customs clearance
- Authorized consignor-consignee-customs duty
- Export-import customs clearance
- Temporary safekeeping
- Authorized consignee
- Public customs warehouse services in a simplified procedure, executed both in indirect or direct customs law proceeding, so-called tax-warehouse.
- Customs administration consultation, handling licensing procedures
- Follow-up procedure (modification, validation)
- Data transfer/receiving using leading enterprise resource systems
- Intrastat reports, EKÁER, BIREG support
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